home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1996-04-16 | 7.4 KB | 1,091 lines |
- You cannot open any more windows
- Window
- .
- Untitled Document
- Save document as…
- Print Util.FLTR
- Keyboard Util.FLTR
- Progress.FLTR
- Topics.FLTR
- Help…
- About
- …
- Preferences
- Help
- HELP is unavailable.
- The
- '
- HELP' file was not found.
- It must be in this program's folder.
- Bering
- Hawaii/Aleutian
- Yukon
- Pacific
- Mountain
- Central
- Eastern
- Atlantic
- dje3heuk.ljd;lskjdjehabnireufhsjewkwjdklwlsju3gsbfkw
- of
- To cancel, hold down the ‚åò key and type a period (.)
- -
- Add this Location
- E
- W
- 0
- °
- '
- S
- N
- gSetCode
- checkCode
- codeText
- Create New Resource File error!
- OSerr =
- makePrefsFile
- saveInitData
- savePgmInfo
- readPrefs
- readPgmInfo
- DEMO Version
- newRegister
- Expanded Database
- sTtx
- The Expanded Database was not found. Only the Internal Database for
- will be used.
- External DB
- This is not the Expanded Database. Only the Internal Database for
- Personal Database
- Internal Database,
- Expanded Database,
- ©
- to
- )
- (
- (DST is from
- Undo
- The modified resource could
- not be marked as changed.
- STR# Error
- Empty List
- ImageWriter
- Apple LaserWriter
- Personal LaserWriter SC
- ImageWriter LQ
- HP Deskwriter
- Epson Stylus Color
- GlobalFax
- StyleWriter
- FAXstf
- Unknown Printer #
- …
- Click In
- Click Out
- ID#
- :
- No Menu:
- …
- ????
- Couldn't find menu ID
- M1
- ID
- Click In
- Click Out
- Help
- HELP is unavailable.
- The
- '
- HELP' file was not found.
- It must be in this program's folder.
- /
- ,
- ©
- 177
- SORRY, No locations were found in the
- Database.
- No Locations in List
- -
- /AAdd -
- - to the QuickList
- ,
- Select a Location to Remove
- Edit a Location…
- Add a New Location…
- Add -
- Remove ALL Locations…
- Remove a Location…
- Time Zone:
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Magnetic
- Declination
- Current Location Data
- sunPATH DEMO Version
- Only the first 3 days of next month will be calculated.
- Hello David! Enter Password
- None
- RegUser:
- Registered:
- ßeta Death Date:
- Locations
- ,,,
- Select
- Find
- Rt
- Lt
- top
- bottom
- ,
- Time NOT Advanced (Standard Time)
- Time NOT Advanced (Standard Time)
- hr
- hrs
- (Daylight Savings
- )
- (Daylight Savings Time)
- Updating
- Sun Position
- List
- /
- 10/1/95
- About to set a ßeta DEATH date!
- Version
- Internet:
- 0
- 1
- 9
- /
- JA
- AP
- AU
- ###,###,###.##
- ,
- $
- (
- )
- $-.0123456789()
- $&0123456789ABCDEF
- 0123456789-
- 0123456789.-
- 0123456789
- •
- Click In
- Click Out
- 1
- hour
- 9:00 PM
- 21:00
- .
- 0
- ##
- 00
- Personal Database
- --- Entry Error ---
- Bering
- Hawaii/Aleutian
- Yukon
- Pacific
- Mountain
- Central
- Eastern
- Atlantic
- Range:
- to
- :
- Time Zone
- and
- Magnetic Declination
- East
- West
- Range:
- :
- Time Zone
- You have entered a Time Zone outside the normal range for
- Daylight Savings Time
- DST:
- You have selected a Daylight Savings Time that differs from the normal DST for
- Magnetic Declination
- You have entered a Magnetic Declination value that is outside the normal range for
- °
- '
- *
- Please Enter a Location Name.
- ?
- The Magnetic Declination is usually
- between 0 and 35 degrees.
- 999999
- The Time Zone is limited to numbers
- between -12 and 12.
- The Latitude degree coordinates
- must be between 0 and 90 degrees.
- The Latitude minute coordinates
- must be between 0 and 59 minutes.
- The Longitude degree coordinates
- must be between 0 and 180 degrees.
- The Longitude minute coordinates
- United States
- North America
- South America
- Europe
- Asia
- Africa
- Australia & Pacific
- ,
- ####.####
- ###
- ###.#
- New/Edit Location ERROR
- Could not save the New Location
- to your Personal Database.
- Do you wish to Delete
- Delete Location ERROR
- Could not Delete Location in the
- Personal Database.
- 177
- SORRY, No locations were found in the
- Database.
- N
- N,S
- W,E
- Latitude
- Longitude
- ######
- mi
- km
- Kms
- Miles
- ,
- E
- W
- Longitude
- Mag Dec
- TZ
- of
- Finding the nearest location in the
- database may take
- over a minute.
- Do you wish to continue?
- Scanning
- database…
- #####.#
- S
- N
- S
- '
- E
- W
- is approximately
- miles/
- kms
- of
- Range of values from the
- Magnetic Declination
- New Location
- Edit a Location
- Nearest
- Location
- Select Nearest
- ,
- 177
- SORRY, No locations were found in the
- Database.
- *
- Personal Database
- State Data not Found.
- Location not found in Personal DB
- No locations in Personal DB
- Could not open Personal DB
- Personal DB does not exist.
- Personal Database Edit Error
- ,
- Feet
- 0
- x 0.000189 = 0 miles
- x 0.3048 = 0 meters
- x 0.0003048 = 0 kilometers
- Miles
- x 5280 = 0 feet
- x 1609.34 = 0 meters
- x 1.609344 = 0 kilometers
- Meters
- x 3.28084 = 0 feet
- x 0.000621 = 0 miles
- x 0.001 = 0 kilometers
- Kilometers
- x 3280.84 = 0 feet
- x 0.62137 = 0 miles
- x 1000 = 0 meters
- ###,###
- ###,###,###
- ###.####
- ###.##
- x
- =
- 0.000189
- miles
- 0.3048
- meters
- 0.0003048
- kilometers
- 5280
- feet
- 1609.34
- 1.609344
- 3.28084
- 0.000621
- 0.001
- 3280.84
- 0.62137
- 1000
- --- Entry Error ---
- ##
- 00
- 999999
- The Latitude degree coordinates
- must be between 0 and 90 degrees.
- .
- The Latitude minute coordinates
- must be between 0 and 59 minutes.
- The Longitude degree coordinates
- must be between 0 and 180 degrees.
- The Longitude minute coordinates
- ###,###.#
- ##.##
- Kms
- kms
- degrees
- ° E
- ° W
- °
- ,
- hour
- 1
- hours
- Home
- Work
- Professional
- Advanced
- Intermediate
- Beginner
- sunPATH Order Form
- Bill to: (
- Address)
- Ship to:
- ,
- Home:
- Work:
- FAX:
- eMail:
- Profession:
- Mac:
- RAM:
- MB
- System:
- Mac Skills:
- Mac Data:
- Referal:
- Software suggestions:
- sunPATH
- Shipping
- Total
- Send
- in Check or Money Order payable in US funds to:
- Wide Screen Software
- 7838 St. Clair Avenue
- N. Hollywood, CA 91605-2312
- (818) 764-3639
- California Sales Tax is required of CA residents or CA shipping addresses.
- (Sorry we can not accept Credit Cards at this time.)
- Thank You for ordering sunPATH!
- To abort printing, hold down the Cmd-period keys...
- x
- /
- .
- 68000
- 68010
- 68020
- 68030
- 68040
- ImageWriter
- Apple LaserWriter
- Personal LaserWriter SC
- ImageWriter LQ
- HP Deskwriter
- Epson Stylus Color
- GlobalFax
- PLP - GCC Technologies
- Brother HJ-400
- StyleWriter
- FAXstf
- PrID#
- CA
- CA tax 8.25%
- 7.34
- $ 99.34
- $ 92.00
- [
- ]
- -
- megs -
- :
- PM
- AM
- ###
- ####°
- 12:00
- 0:00
- No Sun
- 24:00
- None
- All Sun
- Always
- M
- ###.#
- ##.##
- ---
- No Sun Today
- Additional Processing…
- Processing…
- ,
- Day
- 31
- Date Data
- 25,55,59,58,40,50,60,35
- ,
- All Sun
- E
- S
- W
- N
- Azimuth Bearings in Degrees
- ,
- Latitude
- Time Zone:
- Longitude
- Daylight Savings Time
- Standard Time
- Time NOT Advanced (Standard Time)
- Time NOT Advanced
- hr
- hrs
- (Daylight Savings Time)
- Magnetic Declination
- Day
- Date
- Dawn
- Azimuth
- Length
- Dusk
- Azimuth Bearings are given for MAGNETIC NORTH.
- DO NOT make a correction with your compass.
- The Magnetic Declination has been used in the calculations.
- Azimuth Bearings are given for TRUE NORTH.
- The Magnetic Declination has NOT been used in the calculations.
- 15 minute intervals
- 30 minute intervals
- AZ°- Azimuth ALT°- Altitude
- AZ°
- ALT°
- Sf*
- ##.#
- #.##
- ---
- * Shadow Length = Object Height x Shadow Factor (Sf)
- ©
- Printing…
- Page
- Fax Setup…